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polyester linear screen for foo inry

A list of these polyester linear screen for foo inry articles makes it easy for you to quickly access relevant information. We have prepared the following professional polyester linear screen for foo inry, hoping to help solve your questions and better understand the product information you care about.
  • An introduction of polyester screen cloth

    The polyester plain fabric is made of first-class polyester monofilament threads, which make the fabric durable, acid-resistant, alkali-resistant and hard-wearing. Usually, polyester plain fabrics could be utilized in mining industry for sieving conveyor belt, the manufacture of conveyor belt, high density board, food dehydration, sludge drying equipments, concentrate and other filtration industries.

  • The feature and application of Plain Weave Linear Screen Fabric

    Plain Weave Linear Screen Fabric can be made for making mosquito nets, paper machine clothing, filter bags material, industrial netting and engineered fabrics. It is also known as polyester linear screen cloth.



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